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Sugar Silos «Sharkara Patti»

Sharkara Patti Group N°001

Two Impressive Sharkara Patti, 2,86 and 3,24 m high, made of trunks of wild jackfruit tree, probably during the 18th or 19th century. Can be sold separately.

Sharkara Patti Group N°002

Group of four « monoxyles » Sharkara Patti made of trunks of wild jackfruit tree, probably during the 18th or 19th century.

Sharkara Patti Group N°003

Group of three « monoxyles » Sharkara Patti made of trunks of wild jackfruit tree, probably during the 18th or 19th century.

Sharkara Patti group N°004

Group of three « monoxyles » Sharkara Patti made of trunks of wild jackfruit tree, probably during the 18th or 19th century.

Sharkara Patti Group N°005

Group of three « monoxyles » Sharkara Patti made of trunks of wild jackfruit tree, probably during the 18th or 19th century.

The small one has his original door.

Sharkara Patti Group N°006

Impressive single 2,17m Sharkara Patti, diameter 1,20m, teck wood tree

18/19th century

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Sharkara Patti in Beaubourg: Les Désordres du Plaisirs, Donations Daniel Cordier

Sculpting these monoxyle pieces, undoubtedly physically demanding, represented a significant collective investment which accounts for their rarity.
From these majestic forms, gathered in vertical elan, emerges a relationship between empty and full, Yin and Yang, which reveals to us the fragility of life.
These majestic forms, gathered in vertical elan, were exhibited at Maison et Objets (2003 & 2004), at Hôtel des Princes in Aix-en-Provence (2006) and at Musée des Abattoirs de Toulouse, prefiguration of Daniel Cordier’s donation (2008).
In 2009, nine of the Sharkara Patti were officially included into the national collections in the framework of Daniel Cordier’s donation and exhibited at Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Les Désordres du Plaisir, as well as at Musée des Abattoirs (Toulouse)